Performing the TMS session is easier than ever.
The new display configuration tools allow you to set up the screen any way you like.Use the pre-defined layout or change it to suit your preferences.
Use the same project file for multiple TMS sessions. All data acquired for each session is tagged to the session, so you can review individual sessions or combine them later for group analysis.
If you are using our mobile computer workstation and a supported TMS device, you can automatically record the settings of the TMS device for each pulse.
The typical steps in setting up a project are laid out along the top of the main window. Setting up from loading images to performing TMS can be done in as little as a few minutes.
In addition to DICOM, MINC and Analyze, Brainsight 2 supports PAR/REC, NIfTI and BrainVoyager™ VMR and VMP.
Use the manual tool or import a matrix from MINC tools or SPM.
Load multiple overlays. Overlays need not be re-sampled if the registration matrix is available in the image headers, or if the matrix can be entered manually.
Paint a region for use in the 3D reconstruction module, or simply to highlight a structure.
Set the desired stop depth and step size and let us do the rest. Reconstruct the whole brain or just a hemisphere. For other structures, use the region paint tool to delineate the structure (e.g. Cerebellum) and we can use that to generate the curvilinear.
Drop markers or trajectories anywhere based on anatomy, functional peaks or using MNI or Talairach coordinates. Tweak approach angles or planed coil orientation easily with the built-in controls. Easily create and manipulate square or round grids and place them on the scalp or the cortex
Using our optional computer cart with built-in 2-channel EMG device, you can automatically record MEP responses during your TMS experiment.
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