MAG&More PowerMAG Stimulators*

The PowerMAG Research Series

The PowerMAG series is designed for the specific needs of your TMS research. The novel interfacing technology creates a whole new experience with numerous possibilities in combining TMS with other methods.

The hardware solutions implemented in the PowerMAG EEG* allow the stimulator to be phase synchronized with other devices such as MRI.

Its pulses are short and stable hence ensuring reproducibility.

Neuroscience Applications

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a technique where neuronal activity can be influenced by non-invasively stimulating the cortex through the intact skull bone. The stimulation is caused by short magnetic pulses that induce a current flow in cortical brain areas. Thus brain activity may be triggered or modulated without surgery or externally applied electrodes. TMS is a non-invasive method with several benefits:

  • No skin preparation is needed
  • The magnetic field is able to penetrate high resistance structures, such as the skull, without attenuation
  • TMS is almost completely pain free as currents do not have to pass through the skin

Depending on the stimulation protocol, neuronal functionalities can be inhibited or facilitated for a defined period of time. In addition, repetitive TMS, also known as rTMS, may produce longer-lasting effects.

Overactive or underactive areas of the brain can be observed and then focally modulated with TMS e.g. using functional imaging, such as fMRI and PeT. This makes TMS an excellent therapeutic treatment option for psychiatric and neurological disorders. Furthermore, TMS also contributes to research in neuroscience by demonstrating the involvement of brain regions in various cognitive tasks or mental processes.

General Features

  • Full power output (100% intensity) up to 15Hz with all stimulators

  • No decreasing of pulse power during stimulation with stable pulse amplitudes and width

  • Full external controllability with analogue, digital and trigger interfaces

  • Freely setting every single pulse possible (shape, orientation, intensity, timing)

  • High speed sync out interface

  • Continuous EEGs can be recorded online without any power line noise or recharging artifacts (not for LAB series)

  • Usable with all MAG&More Coils

Intensity Dosage

The precision regulation of the PowerMAG power electronics permits the reproducible and exact intensity of pulses with 0.5% steps.

Pulse Length

The optimum duration of the stimulus is between 100 and 160 µs (due to the polarization of myelinated axons according to Lapicque's law of stimulus). PowerMAG stimulators are optimized in terms of pulse duration. For example, the pulse length of the half-wave is only 80 µs, and that of the full wave is only 160 µs. The short pulse length permits nerve stimulation using 20-40% less energy.

Pulse Shape

A decisive factor is to optimize the current/time characteristic of the magnetic pulse. During monophasic pulses, all the stored energy is released during the stimulation pulse. The biphasic pulses work with energy restoration: about 80% of the pulse energy is returned to the energy source.

Pulse Intensity

All pulses are always applied with the set intensity (no decrease of intensity during stimulation), no matter if single pulses are applied or pulse trains.


STIMULATORS PowerMAG LAB 30* PowerMAG LAB 100* PowerMAG EEG 30* PowerMAG EEG 100* PowerMAG EEG ppTMS* PowerMAG QPS*
Characteristic Basic Research Basic Research with TBS EEG Research Advanced real-time EEG All in one qTBS stimulation
Max Stimulation frequency (Hz) 30 100 30 100 100 100 (666 in bursts)
Waveforms half/full half/full half/full half/full full full
Short interval ppTMS
Coil current invertable
Trigger in/out
EEG compatible
EMG compatible
Analog/digital control

Stimulator Control Options

The PowerMAG series is designed and developed to ensure that you can integrate and control it to your preference in experimental setups.

  • Front Panel Mode

    You can set general parameters such as the intensity, frequency, train length, pulse type and pulse polarity directly in the front panel mode. This mode also allows you to manually emit pulses as previously set up. Recommended for motor threshold hunting and stand-alone, unpatterned TMS applications.

  • External BNC Triggering

    Jitter-free triggering is essential for real-time applications. Our stimulators are equipped with trigger-in and trigger-out BNC connections that allow you to e.g. trigger pulses using the intensity set in front panel and feed the trigger-out TTL signal to external equipment. Example: Triggering the stimulator through Matlab and a parallel port.

  • Analogue Signals and the Control Splitter Box

    Our analogue connection via Control Splitter Box allows the user to set triggers, stimulus intensity and stimulus shape directly through analogue (0-5 V) signals. The advantages of this interface are numerous. Analogue signals are fast, and you have full flexibility over each individual pulse.

  • Serial Connection and the PC Interface

    The PC-Interface allows you to set up a serial connection between your computer's USB port and the stimulator. Additionally, our serial command library allows you to easily set, start and stop protocol from e.g. Matlab, Python, Signal, or any other program that works with serial connections.


MI Stefanou, D Galevska, C Zrenner, U Ziemann… - 2020.
Interhemispheric symmetry of µ-rhythm phase-dependency of corticospinal excitability.

C Zrenner, D Galevska, JO Nieminen, D Baur… - 2020.
The shaky ground truth of real-time phase estimation.

GG Ambrus, C Amado, L Krohn, G Kovács - 2019.
TMS of the occipital face area modulates cross-domain identity priming.



Items marked with* are investigational devices and for research use only. CAUTION - Investigational Device. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.